Corporate social responsibility
A healthy person has thousand wishes, a sick person has only one...
A healthy person has thousand wishes, a sick person has only one...

The concept of added value is enhanced and reinforced, in addition to business successes, by a valuable social role.
In our constantly changing, stressful environment, we wish to undertake a social responsibility, to change attitudes and draw attention to the need of taking better care of and paying more attention to each other.
Sudden cardiac death has no precursors: it occurs suddenly, regardless of gender or age! There are no statistics on survival, however, there is data on mortality. In Hungary, we lose more than 24,000 people a year to sudden cardiac death, i.e., one person every half hour. 70% of those affected could be rescued within the first ca. 4-5 minutes of cardiac arrest if there was an Automated External Defibrillator around, and a person who knew what to do until the paramedics arrive. If the person is unconscious for longer than 4 to 5 minutes, it unfortunately leads to irreversible brain and heart damage.
Our goal is to install an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) at every building material establishment within the next years, and to have staff qualified to use the device and perform resuscitation.
We are proud that since our initiation, with the support of our Partners, we could supply 26 Automatic External Defibrillator to the following cities: Bag, Budapest, Debrecen, Dunaföldvár, Dunaújváros, Encs, Győr, Ibrány, Kistarcsa, Komló, Miskolc, Orosháza, Pécel, Ráckeve, Salgótarján, Sárospatak, Szeged, Székesfehérvár, Szombathely, Tamási, Törökbálint.
PANNON Centrum Kft holds a raffle for distributing 2 AEDs each year and organising trainings among its Co-Owners. We would consider it a wonderful success if, together with our Co-Owners, the same could be achieved among our Supplier Manufacturers as well!
Thank you in advance for your support and for joining our initiative!